Post your load order, what mods you recently installed and how are you installing the mods...
...NMM, MO or manual?
Did you install each mod 1 at time and test them in-game before adding another one?
Did you add the mods during a game in progress?
Did you have to remove any mods due to incompatibilities with ones you wanted to add?
Need a bit more info to really help you out here...I wouldn't touch or remove any mods or take anybody's advice until you can provide more info. It'd just be speculation at this point as there could be numerous things that could be causing this problem.
I had a similar thing happen a year or two ago, I disabled all my mods (disable, not uninstall) and ran the game after re-activating each individual .esp. This is really the only way to be 100% sure about locating the problem mods/conflicts.
“Ignorance is curable, stupid is forever.” - Robert A. Heinlein