After browsing around and seeing the quality of stuff under the Fallout section, I decided it would be a good time to introduce myself.
I've been playing video games since the early 90s and can remember when the Nexus wasn't the go to spot for mods. After owning a number of gaming computers for years and replacing just about every component to get one to work without success, I bought a Xbox 360 and stepped away from gaming on my computer.
For Fallout in particular, I've played every single game including some that weren't the best. When Fallout 4 came out, I had pre-ordered it for PS4 and played through the entire main quest and expansions. Once the debacle of console mod support was finalized, I realized that I would need to buy it for at least one other system.
I spent a bit over a year playing it on Xbox before getting frustrated that some of the best mods weren't being cross-platformed. About a month ago, I decided that I had spent enough time drooling over what mods were available on PC only and bought\ built another gaming PC.
What really brought me to GUN was the lack of success I had with finding a plate carrier that wasn't wrapped in a huge mod like Modern Firearms. I've already bookmarked a few to try out from here along with discovering Modular Arms. I'll likely spend a bit of time browsing to see just what else is on offer.