So, this may be a bit of a redundancy but I've seen plenty of armor mods that simply mask the whole body without using a facegen model to animate the lips. That doesn't break immersion much for me, seeing as how I play in third person and rarely watch to see a companions' lips moving. However, having a silent companion is rather tiresome.
So, I was wondering if anyone could explain to me the basics behind the Stealthsuit Mark 2 from Old World Blues and how it functions? It seems to respond to certain stimuli e.g. asking if you feel better post stimpak injection. Is there a way to get an armor to function much like a companion in responding to the enemy type being encountered, being in a certain location, when they are out of ammo, low on health, etc?
I'd like to be able to take sound bites from various Youtube sources and apply them to the various characters that have been uploaded here. That way whether I have the armor equipped or my companion I can still be immersed in the character I'm wearing ha.