Started playing with mods for Skyrim on the Xbox 360 & just recently switched to the PC (finally!), but this is my first time to be doing it for the Fallout series. Bethesda titles are my all-time favorite type of games - TES & FO series, to be exact. Played the heck out of them before in vanilla playthroughs & never thought that playing them again with mods would add even greater fun. I do so like them for the freedom & variety of gameplay. Can go almost anywhere in a very big world & the dynamic of 1st & 3rd person switching is the best type of gaming experience, IMO.
I started on the console because, as people may or may not know, setting up a gaming rig is complicated at the start & most only have access to the console at first, albeit a modded one. Have to note that a lot can be done with it. I even have a YT channel that showcases such: ÆRYS THE MAD DOVAHKING@youtube
I've converted a bunch of terrific mods & made them playable on the xbox. It's not as good as it is on the PC but it still does work & a there are now a whole lot of them. I'm very excited for the next gen games to finally/legitamately have mods for the console. Most people won't agree with it but the bigger thing about this is that it taps an even wider audience & would be good for everyone, I think. Having a huge audience will definitely provide greater support in the future.
I still play & convert Skyrim stuff on the console from time to time because the real reason I'm doing it in the first place is to provide more fun to my nephew who is still young & not yet familiar with the PC.
I'm truly happy to have found this site. Made so by seeing the YT showcases of Dragbody's creations. I really like his work. I'm now a big fan of him. I like roleplaying in a game with the use of different gears.. just like before with action figures to when I was a little kid. In the Skyrim modding world, R0R0N0 & diegoforfun does the same deal. Big fan of them as well.
I've already tried the Dragbody samplers & they are great. Really happy that I finally got to play them. Here's hoping that I'll soon be able to experience the exclusive mods. Hope it goes well for me here. Thanks for reading & happy gaming!