Well... i'm not so sure how to introduce myself.
Guess i'll try.
Err... Hi! My name is Pedro, and i'm from Brazil (Is there any brazilian here?). As you may have noticed, my english is not very good, this is the main reason why i have not introduce myself before, but, i took some courage, and i think this will be a good experience to train my english.
My favorite video game genre is RPG (oh my god), and my favorite games are (in the general): Mass Effect Franchise, Dragon Age Franchise, Knights of The Old Republic 2, Fallout 2 and New Vegas, The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and Sid Meier Civilization V.
Now... in music terms, i like progressive rock, indie, folk, alternative rock, new metal, new wave, doom metal, punk rock... etc.
My favorite band/artist is American Football.
I think that's all. I hope we all get along, bye!