Hey, I'm logging in the first time in a year or two it feels. I've been away due to having a job at the time and being burned out from modding fallout.
One other reason I haven't been on for a long time is I had an event in my life where I almost died from a self inflicted gunshot wound. I'm still working on getting my life back together and fighting everyday to make progress. I still have a lot on my plate but I'm going to try to be more active here and I even have some interest again in modding FNV and updating my old files here.
Overall, I'm doing better now and I have learned alot with what I went through last year and what's going on still.
If you ever feel alone, depressed, and suicidal. Know that you're never alone in this world. Your friends care, your family cares, and even strangers care. Always fight, never give up on not just yourself, but for the ones around you, life is a gift, never take it for granted.