While doing the "There Stands The Grass" quest in Vault 22. I encountered a quest breaking bug. Once I found Keely and followed her to the elevator door she disappears and I'm left with an open door filled with green gas. And once you step in you get warped to a space next to it. There's no prompt to give you the choice of floors. Nothing. And the only bug associated with this particular area had nothing to do with mine eg: The old companion bug. I finally solved the problem by deactivating all mods (all of them, not just the textures). The elevator prompt was accessible once more. Here's a pic of the small list of texture mods installed:
And this ENB "Fallout NV Beautification Project ENB 322v3"
Apart from that I'm having a blast with this game. I forgot how immersive the sound is. I forgot the paranoid feeling you get when you hear any kind of weird noise
when you're out there, all alone, in the dark desert.