A little recommendation, if you're using any kind of retexture that exceeds 2k(well depending on what you're using it, it's ok with armors, buildings or even weapons, big things mostly, for example, it's utterly ridiculous to use a 4k retexture with something as small as a knife, a baseball, or just small clutter overall, that will end up forcing your machine to use more memory than it should) you should take a look at them and see which ones weight the most(or which ones are more essential to you) and stop using them or optimize them or maybe even using smaller versions of them.
Well, as for the mods i would recommend the same to you, start picking the ones that are more important in your playtrough, merge little ones. (and if you're good at FNVEdit check for things you don't like on the mods and delete them) aaand that's my advice, yea i know, modding's a bitch.
- Kek: