Hey GUN modders! This post is meant for anyone who is having trouble with systematic and constant GECK crashes.
I am fairly new to making mods but I have learned lots of things over the past few months. The GECK is a pretty nifty tool for making amazing content. But it's not without its share of faults...such as crashing. Like really crashing! If anyone is having serious crashing upon loading the geck, loading one cell after another deleting objects in a cell; this little bit of advice can save you a lot headaches.
First, you need to open the GECKCustom file located in C:\Users\Intelprime\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV. This is where your save files are too (might not be in your C drive depending where you installed your games). Next find the line bUseFaceGenHeads= and set it equal to 0. This should prevent much crashing!
A word of warning: Your GECK will crash when trying to edit an NPCs head. So if you plan to edit heads, change bUseFaceGenHeads=0 to 1. I hope this helps anyone out there and happy modding
swiggitty swooty I'm coming for that booty
-George Washington