Hello, I would like someone to either help me to get things right or if you already have an esp or esm that contains fixes of those i am about to tell you, that would be really appreciated.
I want a fix for the nail gun (new vegas dlc), for the SKS rifles (battlefield weapon mod), 45. submachine gun with extended drum (new vegas dlc) this one works fine but not while using the drum mag.
Their reloading are not the way they should, and that since i am using the great animation mod (1st Person Weapon Animation Overhaul) from hitman47101.
I would like someone to help me to get through this by telling me what i need to modify.
Or if someone has an esp of those fixed, if you could make one for me, that would be really appreciated.
For some reasons, i can't seems to fix those, i have been able to fix the AUG weapon but no chance for those.
Thanks to all those who will help me!
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us"-
Gandalf the Bla- I mean the white.