First of all, about your question, i do not know, i am not an enb expert but what i do know is that i had many problems with them back when i was using them.
So if you do take suggestions, i would suggest you to use Interior Lighting Overhaul, NMC, FNV Realistic Wasteland Lighting, Essential Visual Enhancements, Fallout Character Overhaul, Wasteland Flora Overhaul, Project Reality – realistic landscapes, Enhanced Shaders ENB – better shading, Nevada Skies.
Just be sure to not use all of them, some are not compatible with each other such as Project Reality and Nevada Skies, use one or the other.
Your game will be way more beautiful, and it should be just fine if your computer is good enough to run all of that.
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us"-
Gandalf the Bla- I mean the white.