Hey everybody...it's Saturday, and as usual, I've spent my morning deep in the files of FO4, rather than in the actual game. As some of you may know, I've restarted due to my overuse of the console command when attempting to "clean" the construction area at Vault 88.
I've now reached the concord police station and while I absolutely despise Reese...the knight uniform I despise worse...So I've had a retexture in place since i basically bought the game.
This time when I met Reese...he some sort of glow to some of his uniform. I examined my C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Textures\Armor\knightunderarmor directory and found a file called
"knight_g.dds" the thumbnail shows the glowing sections
when I delete this...because my belief was that, if I remove this file the game would revert to the original texture reference...and when I did that, the entire suit is "glowing white" and is superimposed over the "knight_d"
I figured I would outsmart beth and just delete the entire folder "knightunderarmor" and force a use of the default textures...this only removed the use of "knight_d" and the "glowing white" suit was left only with nothing showing beneath it.
If I put everything back...it works but uses the "glowing accents" shown in the knight_g and if I take any file and rename it to knight_g it doesn't work either (I took a copy of knight_d and renamed it to knight_g...no joy)
Nothing has changed in my load order in reference to armor or suits or brotherhood, any guidance or help is appreciated, as I really want to fix this issue, so when the time comes for Reese to meet his maker...I'm able to arrange place and time.