Now I'm extremely relieved that I never bought my brother's PS4...It would have been purely for Fallout 4's sake.
By the few times I've played it and the Youtube videos I've watched, I'm spectacularly unimpressed with the base vanilla FO4 (I have yet to watch or play any DLC's). I'll pick up a copy for PC to start learning FO4's modding & GECK when I grab a new CPU I suppose...No need to attempt to melt this one trying to run it, and the lack of personally appealing games on next-gen consoles leaves little for me to desire about them.
The thing that sucks is that it seems to be a "Sony only" problem...I feel bad for PS / Sony brand preferers like myself that never gave X-box / Microsoft a chance (when I do seldomly use consoles)....That's an expensive jump now for console mods if people aren't willing to go the PC modding route.
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