I've read through everyone's opinions, and I have to say these things.
Here's my jumbled semicoherent two cents.
If you want to go back to isometric Fallout, go play/mod Wasteland 2, because that is what it would look like.
Which is just fine, but I prefer open world type games these days, as my taste has changed over time.
FPS/RPG are not mutually exclusive, you can have both, but the series itself has changed hands a few times, and the series has changed a lot.
I remember playing Fallout 1, and dreaming of being able to do things I got to do in Fallout 3.
I liked that change.
I think the series has gone from pure rpg, to Action/Adventure with some rpg elements.
I would have been done with Fallout 3/New Vegas ages ago if not for the modding community, they've been able to make more things possible than I ever dreamed, and I have a feeling that same community will do their magic for Fallout 4 in time.
People can't be surprised at their favorite games being dumbed down though.
Here's an example, I love the Metal Gear series, but have you seen the trailer for Metal Gear Survive?
They've done this to the best games out there.
From Metroid to Resident Evil, no franchise is safe.
So, I take the comic industry approach to this.
Vote with your dollar.
If you don't like something, don't throw your money at it, it only encourages more of the same.
The people who create these things we love are going to follow their own hearts, and are going to do what they will, regardless of how we feel, but cash is king, and that seems to be the bottom line these days.
Oh, and write the company heads, they love letters.
"The street finds its own uses for things."
~ William Gibson, Burning Chrome