Good (insert time), My name is James, most everyone calls me Doc. I am 23 and I live in Cincinnati, Ohio. I am of Irish and German ancestry. I live my parents(they aren't together). I graduated high school in 2010, and since have been searching for a job. I have had no luck in finding a job or getting an interview.
Last year my mother and I lost our house and we had to take refuge with my father, who is one of the most vile human beings you would ever have the displeasure of meeting. Our house was taken because of a $3,000 property tax lien. The government sold the lien to a debt collection agency, who instead of attempting to collect, just filed to take possession of the house. The judge ruled in their favor, and my house was slated for auction. In the city of a Cincinnati, they are moving people out of the projects to make downtown safer for rich people. So they put them up here in the houses that were seized, which rent them out to the section 8 people. Since the government pays the bills, the rental price of houses is extremely expensive, and as you get closer to downtown things get more expensive because of the class of people moving in down there. A lot of the apartments in between are full up, so I imagine that I am stuck here for years to come.
I am a firearms fanatic, despite never actually owning one(could never afford them). I drink whenever I can. I suffer from an anxiety disorder, which makes it really hard to be around people(I get a panic attack pretty quickly around people). The current state of my life, and the fact that is has been going downhill since I've been born, leaves me in a very depressed state.
I have been single for the last 5 years, my last girlfriend, fled the state and came back married with children. All of my relationships have ended horribly, with not 1 being faithful to me.
So all in all, my life sucks. I play video games to escape it. I really enjoy Fallout, Resident Evil, and the first Bioshock. I could say more about my crappy life, but I feel I said too much already. If reincarnation is real, then I must of been someone really horrible, like Eisenhower(Need context? Watch teh documentary Hellstorm).