So, I have been having problems with Arwen's Realism Tweaks that I'm hoping I can get some help with.
If you are willing to, would you please load up Fallout 3 with that mod in a new game, wait for it to initialize, then kill an NPC and tell me how much XP you got from it? The initialization quest should be really quick, so this is a five minute thing at most.
I've tried this mod on two different computer, though admittedly similar in build, and both times the mod has bugged out badly on me (broken XP, broken quests, just. . . broken). But, other people have been able to play it just fine by all reports, so I'm hoping to be able to pinpoint the difference between their computer and mine. I'm able to use 7.2 perfectly though, so I must be installing it right. . . right?
So, if it's broken on your rig, you'll get 10 xp for killing an NPC. If it works, you'll get 2xp. There are other things broken, that's just the quickest and in your face way to see if it worked or not.
I really appreciate any help I get on this.