I went to Mass Bay medical center to fight some gunners and while they had lieutenants or seargeants they went down with one shot.
I checked with console commands their health and a lieutenant had only 80hp at full. Also i am level 73 and he was 47. and there was a conscript that was level 14. Really what is going with those levels and their HPs. I have also edited via FO4edit npcs to have more health for example Gunner lieutenant has 950hp rather than 660 on vanilla. But still he went down like nothing. This doesnt happen with all npcs but sometimes in some places more than 50% of them are like this.
I use a heavily modded Fallout with around 175 esps but carefully selected and i dont think there is any conflict between them. or if there is they are not important to me. ((Besides vanilla placed raiders sometimes spawning with no weapon but only grenades amd ammo for gun. I have checked the raider lists with that and havent found any issue yet. I use Raider Overhaul btw.))
So any help with that please? Thanks.
In all things, a calm heart must prevail
Fawkes. 2278 Capital Wasteland