Hello. Here from link on Nexus. Started playing games half a century ago. Cut my teeth on the original D&D (actually a fantasy addendum at end of paper and pencil game of medieval combat called Chainmail). Game Mastered campaigns for my youth groups.
Loved Avalon Hill and SPI games. Strategy - Tactics - yada. And then Trash 80's and Apple // computers were invented. Migrated to Apple, then PCs. Played Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim. And Fallout 3/NV/4. Not into online games like fallout 76.
Been modding Obsidian / Beth games for over a decade. Wow, have things evolved. Really most comfortable with Wrye Bash.
Currently modding FNV for a new play-thru -- been away from the desert these past five years.
Anything else? Feel free to ask. Thank you.