I honestly wasn't a big fan of it and I'm not quite sure why it's well loved so much. The atmosphere was nice-ish, but mostly because it was different than the DC wastes. The quests were also a bit on the "meh" side. Finding Nadine was meant to be the main quest, but you find her while attempting to do a quest that clearly had more love put into it. Nadine's quest felt like it was just tacked on at the last second. The Desmond quest started out fun with defending the mansion and then the punga hallucinations were cool(although I hated that trek through the march). Other than those, the quests were pretty dull and required a lot of going back and forth. The Swamp People were interesting, but you never really had to deal with them unless you willingly ventured into their territory. Only a few quests required you to deal with them and it wasn't even really significantly. The only one I remember is retrieving the book.
The addition of punga was nice, but I rarely touched it considering it could only be found there and didn't respawn. Punga was also fairly redundant once you got the medical table for your house. It's only real good use was reducing radiation, but radaway was far easier to obtain.
Point Lookout was just a change of scenery to me. It didn't feel like it added a whole lot for me. The double-barrel shotguns were powerful, but kind of shitty since they only shot once. The lever-action rifles were good too, but rather redundant at later levels when you have Lincoln's Repeater and hundreds of .44 rounds. Sure it used 10mm rounds that were everywhere, but why would you use it when you had Lincoln's Repeater readily available? It's advised to do PL mid-late game because of the tough enemies so odds are you've gotten Lincoln's Repeater. The LAR would be great early game because 10mm is the most common ammo found, but it's kind of useless later on.
I liked the other DLCs more. I loved The Pitt the most due to it's setting and survival horror aspects. Plus, the Infiltrator and Perforator were great guns that I use in the main game. You even get access to an ammo press and it's a great way to stock up on .44 rounds. Even Mothership Zeta did more for me than PL. If you picked up everything there and walked back home, you would be set for life. Each of those guns is worth a shit ton of caps and you can find a whole lot up there. Plus, Paulson's revolver is one of the best guns in the game. Even Operation Anchorage did more for me. It was fun to be in a simulation about pre-war warfare and the end rewards were kick-ass power armor, gauss rifle(though not my thing), and power armor training. PL is probably my least favorite DLC. It's not that it's bad, but it just doesn't really do as much as the other DLCs.