First off, not really new here, just a lurker for the most part that disappears for months at a time, but I discovered this site and became a member under the username of I believe Nightember (been a while since I used that username) back when it was still the FO3 Underground (in fact... still have the bookmark for that lol yup! Got some pretty good help back then on getting my copy of FO3 to not crash after 5 minutes. But now I'm back on, gonna try and be more social, but that's pretty hard as you guys can probably guess from how many comments I have. But I figure I might as well re-introduce myself! So good afternoon everyone! Gonna try and be a more social member this time around!
Bit about myself, I game on a laptop, been planning on building a desktop, but now that I actually have the funds to build one, I'm gonna put the money towards a new gaming laptop with similar specs, but I've got all the Fallouts though to be honest, I just purchased 1, 2, and Tactics in the Steam summer sale. But at the very least, I've been playing Fallout since 3 came out, and I've been playing the Elder Scrolls since Morrowind, and that's where I discovered the joys of mods!
Also, bit more, the poet I'm quoting in my signature, is my great great great (however many) grandfather, from my father's side.
"Deeper meaning resides in the fairy tales told to me in my childhood than in any truth that is taught in life." Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller