Now I'm not gonna lie, I have no experience what so ever with making quests or companions. The only "advanced" thing I've done is modify existing companions into customs races and such. But I got this idea of a companion/quest mod that I've had jumbling in my head... See, I was reading an update blog from the Creator of Project Brazil, and in it he was expressing how he wasn't gonna abandon the mod because in his hands, he was creating a world. A world perceived and made into existence by him - and of course those who also help him with that vision.
And that not only inspired me, but got me thinking; wouldn't a Mod creator COMPANION be interesting? To make sense of this, I was thinking of making a companion who's a Mod creator - ingame it will be explained that mod creator are basically gods, higher being who create for the world to keep circle of life and the wheels of destiny turning. But this god in particular we run into is stumped... hes hit a writers block you could say. So when you meet him, after a little bit of back and forth between you and him, he decides to follow you in the wastes to get inspired, it'll be like the vanilla companions, where after adventuring around and triggering certain events or doing certain actions it will accel his own quest. After each one he'll become more and more inspired, and thus begins creating events, items, and people.
This character wouldn't be good or evil, he isn't a bad person at all. But rather a higher entity with a strong and innocent curiousity, always looking to see how things work, all looking to make something of his own. An artist. Think the outsider of Dishonored I guess? Probably not a good comparison but that was who was in my head for some reason... probably make my companion have an inspired look for him, thatd be cool.
I still think it needs to be fleshed out but what do you guys think? ANY feedback would be great. Im already starting to watch tutorials on how to make companions as we speak haha. Might end up bothering a couple people here for advice if they pay me any mind lol
But yeah, please give me any feedback on your thoughts, even if it's about how my ideas garbage LOL
"They may all look the same to you, but there are different kinds and different levels of evil. A first-class villain doesn't target honest lives."